auto repository

Semiautomatically create remote github/bitbucket repository.

What is this?

This script will create remote repository of your current project.

More explicit, it will:

  • Create remote repository either on github or bitbucket.
  • Initialize your project (git init).s
  • Add remote repository (git remote add origin <provider>).
  • Add all files (git add .).
  • Commit all changes (git commit -a -m 'Initial commit.').
  • Push your project to the remote provider (git push -u origin master).

Script only works on vanilla projects without .git directory. If such directory alread exists, script will terminate without making any modifications.

What this is not.

This script will not update your project once initial push is completed.


  1. Put somewhere along the executable PATH. /usr/local/bin for example.
  2. Make script executable chmod u+x /usr/local/bin/


Change USER variable in and you are set. Default provider is bitbucket and default repository visibility for bitbucket is PRIVATE. Default visibility for github is PUBLIC. Change according to your needs.


  1. Navigate to the project you want to upload: cd ~/Projects/my_new_project.
  2. Run <bitbucket|github> in project's directory. Bitbucket is default provider if no arguments are supplied.
  3. You will be prompted to enter a password.
  4. There is nothing more to say.




TODO: Write license