
Watches a directory for new images, generates thumbnails and outputs a markdown file with your images.

Primary LanguagePython

markdown gallery ======== .. image:: https://travis-ci.org/agiz/markdown-gallery.png?branch=master :target: https://travis-ci.org/agiz/markdown-gallery :alt: Build status

Table of Contents


markdown gallery watches a directory for new images, generates thumbnails and outputs a markdown file with your images.


You might want to change:

  • in gallery_to_markdown.py

    ABSOLUTE_URL: Absolute url of your site. http://mysite.com/gallery.

  • in gallery.py

    THUMBNAIL_PREFIX: Prefix for thumbnail. Defaults to t_ THUMBNAILS_DIR: Name of thumbnail directory inside a gallery, default t. THUMBNAIL_SIZE: Defaults to 128x128.

- in gallery_watcher.py

THUMBNAIL_PREFIX, THUMBNAILS_DIR, THUMBNAIL_SIZE, OUTPUT_FILE: These constants are ignored by gallery_watcher. This is redundant but keep it same as in gallery.py. WATCH_DIRECTORY: root directory of your galleries. That would be /home/galleries in below file tree.

|-- home
|   |-- galleries
|       |-- gallery_1
|       |-- gallery_2
|       `-- gallery_3
  • run python gallery_watcher.py