Quickstart: Associate metadata with a file or folder in CyVerse

This quickstart uses the Discovery Environment.

What this repo contains

Item Description Notes
associate_metadata.md Text for the quickstart documents written in markdown will need to be covered to restructured text
/img (folder) Place images for your tutorials here CyVerse logos and other useful images are already here
/slides (folder) Place slides associated with your tutorial here version controlled files preferred, PPT acceptable
/workflows (folder) Version-controlled workflows built with yED
/misc (folder) miscellaneous items associated with this tutorial if at all possible, files should be hosted (with anonymous access) at the CyVerse public Data Commons site. A sample conf.py file is located here
License.md License this license file applies to all materials created by CyVerse for this documentation
Contributors_maintainers.md Contact information and recognition

Simple contribution instructions

Reporting an error or issue via GitHub

  • Click the 'issues' tab at the top of this GitHub page to let us know about a simple mistake such as a typo or missing file.


More complex contributions

Fixing and/or improving documentation via GitHub

  1. Fork this repo to your GitHub account
  2. Make edits directly to the markdown version of the documentation if there is one, or if there is no markdown version, edit the version written in restructured text. Edits may be made to the fork the web interface to your GitHub account or clone the repo to work on your local computer. For very significant changes (we suggest making a new branch.
  3. Commit change; if working from a local copy, push those changes to your fork in Github.
  4. Submit a pull request back to the master repository; you may need to act on feedback before your request is merged.