
This bot can tell a dog's breed or what dog a person looks like

Primary LanguagePython

This is a bot for telegram which can receive a photo input from user and provide multiple feedback:

  • if the photo contains a dog, which breed is it
  • if the photo depicts a human, which dog breed does he/she look like
  • if there is neither a dog or a person in the photo, the error message is sent

To run the bot locally

  • Ask BotFather to create new bot
  • Get TOKEN to access Telegram API
  • Clone this project
  • Create conda environment from file conda env create -f requirements-local.yml
  • Set TOKEN as an environment variable or edit set TOKEN directly in webapp/main.py
  • Start bot with python webapp/main.py
  • Send a photo to you bot in telegram

To deploy to Heroku

  • Have Docker and Heroku installed on your machine
  • Clone the project and run terminal from project directory
     $ heroku plugins:install heroku-container-registry
     $ heroku container:login
     $ heroku create
     $ heroku container:push web
  • Set TOKEN as an environment variable in the project settings in Heroku dashboard