
AMM Router based on PCS with Swap and Liquidity Router

Primary LanguageJavaScript

AMM Generalizations:

0 - Liquidity Router
    0 - AddLiquidity / RemoveLiquidity of any tokens listed on the platform does not charge a fee
    1 - New SpamList to block AddLiquidity / RemoveLiquidity of Scam Tokens.
    2 - New Failsafe to extract liquidity from Scam Tokens to protect and refund Liquidity Providers.
    3 - New Centralized Liquidity Pools deployments and Switch to become permission-less.
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1 - Swap Router
    0 - Swap tokens on UFF AMM has a fee of 0.3% (plus any fees charge by the token project)
    1 - New ApproveList to allow only Partner Routers (3rd Party Integrations).
    2 - New SpamList to block Swap of Scam Tokens
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