
Puzzle list scraper from 2023 Hunt

Primary LanguagePython

  1. Install poetry
  2. poetry install to install the app and its deps to a virtualenv
  3. poetry run playwright install to install a browser playwright can use
  4. poetry run gunicorn -b -w 4 scraper.app:application or similar

There are several environment variables the app expects to be set:

  • HUNT_LOGIN_URL: URL of the login page for the Hunt site
  • PUZZLES_URL: URL of the page with the textual list of all puzzles
  • HUNT_USERNAME: Team username for the Hunt site
  • HUNT_PASSWORD: Team password for the Hunt site

The app uses HTTP Basic authentication using the team username and password because it's the internet and unauthenticated webapps are not a great idea. You 100% want to put a reverse proxy with TLS in front of this (to protect the password in flight) or run it under mod_wsgi or the like or something instead of gunicorn. If you do that, you're probably going to have the easiest time if you poetry build to get a wheel file and then install dist/scraper-0.1.0-py3-none-any.whl in that virtualenv instead of relying on poetry's virtualenv management.

Good luck!