

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Code & Brews Standup

Code & Brews Standup is an app that allows Code & Brews participants to share the project they are working on for the day.

Table of Contents

  1. Features
  2. Technologies
  3. How to Run
  4. Firebase Setup
  5. Build and Deploy
  6. Authentication
  7. Authorization
  8. Firestore Schema
  9. Cloud Functions


  • OAuth Login
  • Post what you're working on for the day.
    • Use tags on your post to make them searchable.
    • Search across all standups.
  • User profile with links to public
  • Specify what you can help with.
  • Specify what you may want help with.
  • Notify another participant you would like their help, or you could help them.
  • Moderation Tools - Flag a user or post for moderation.


  • Vue
  • Vuetify
  • Firebase
  • Storybook

How to Run

cd app
npm install
npm run serve

Firebase Setup

When developing locally against firebase APIs:

# Ensure firebase tools are installed
npm install -g firebase-tools
cd app
firebase emulators:start

Build and Deploy

cd app
npm run build
# must be logged into firebase as the user who owns the firebase project.
npm run deploy


Authentication is provided as part of the Firebase application. Currently the following types are enabled

  • Google Auth

To Implement

  • Email Link
  • GitHub
  • Twitter


Super Admin can add or remove the admin or moderator token claim from any user. Can also delete, or disable any user account. This is determined by a cloud function environment variable which is set by the firebase project owner (Currently Andy Glassman).

User can modify any document where their auth.uid is equal to the document.ownerId.

Custom Token Claims

  • admin
    • Can add modify any token claims on any user.
    • Can perform CRUD operations on any stored document.
  • moderator
    • Can remove a post that does not follow community standards of Code + Brew Milwaukee.
    • Can disable a non-admin account.

Authorization is enforced via Cloud Functions, and Firestore rules.



Firestore Schema

Firestore is a hierarchical document store. You can get a good idea of which documents exist, and how they can be modified, by looking at ./app/firestore.rules

User Details

User details provide a way for the application to query users based on their roles. It also provides a document to store profile details like twitter handles, and github username.

UID is the automatically assigned unique identifier assigned to the user when they sign up.

A default UserDetail document is created on user creation via a cloud function that is triggered whenever a new user is created.

Path: /userDetails/{uid}

Schema (by example):

  "claim": {
    "admin": false,
    "moderator": true
  "profileInfo": {
    "username": "aglassman",
    "twitter": "@a_glassman",
    "github": "aglassman"


Event is a document that represents a Code + Brew event. It has all the info to display the event, and it's details to to the user. It also is responsible for keeping track of RSVPs to that event.

Path: /events/{eventId}

Schema (by example):

  "title": "Code + Brews",
  "description": "Join us virtually to code, and drink coffee.",
  "links": [
      "title": "Discord",
      "type": "discord",
      "description": "Link to the discord server.",
      "href":  "https://..."


Standup is the collection of all standup entries across all events. This is the best way to structure the collection in Firestore, and will allow better cross event queries in the long run.

Path: /standupEntries/{entryId}

Schema (by example)

  "eventId": "123lkdf32",
  "ownerId": "ffjk32343",
  "ownerImageUrl": "https://...",
  "ownerUsername": "gnutrino",
  "text": "I plant to work on ..., I could use help on .., I can help with ...",
  "helpMe": ["css", "javascript"],
  "helpYou": ["java", "firebase", "vue"]

Cloud Functions


Some crude mockups made using Google Draw:

Google Draw Mockups