
Docker-compose Nginx + Telegraf

Primary LanguageShell

Nginx and Telegraf Group

This repository configures an HTTPS reverse proxy with a server sidecar for collecting metrics.


  • SSL certificate on the proxy host for HTTPS
  • InfluxDB server for recording metrics
    • Optional: retention policies and continuous queries created on a database "nginx"
  • Syslog server for logging

Quick Start:

Configure environment variables, or a .env:

Variable Description
AGENT_HOSTNAME Name used in tag values for "host" in InfluxDB database
AGENT_INTERVAL Data collection interval for Telegraf Nginx plugin
INFLUXDB_HOST InfluxDB host and transport protocol (e.g.,
INFLUXDB_PORT InfluxDB port that server is listening on (e.g., 8086)
SYSLOG_ADDRESS Syslog host, transport protocol, and port (e.g., tcp://
SSL_CERTIFICATE Path to SSL certificate (e.g., /etc/ssl/certs/server.crt)
SSL_CERTIFICATE_KEY Path to private key (e.g., /etc/ssl/private/server.key)
SSL_TRUSTED_CERTIFICATE Path to trusted CA certificates PEM format (e.g., /etc/ssl/private/ca-certs.pem)
DH_PARAMS Path to DH parameters for DHE ciphers (e.g., /etc/ssl/certs/dhparam.pem)

To build and start containers:

docker-compose up -d

Optional: Bootstrap InfluxDB Database

Telegraf communicates its metrics to an InfluxDB database and retention policy. If the database "nginx" does not exist, InfluxDB will create it, but will not configure retention policies or downsampling continuous queries. If immediate database configuration is desired, before starting containers, open up an influx console on your InfluxDB host and input the following:

# create the nginx database with optional default retention policy
CREATE DATABASE "nginx" # WITH [DURATION <duration>] [REPLICATION <replication>] [NAME <retention-policy-name>]

# create additional retention policies
CREATE RETENTION POLICY <retention-policy-name> ON "nginx" WITH DURATION <duration> REPLICATION <replication> NAME <retention-policy-name>

# create continuous queries
CREATE CONTINUOUS QUERY <cq_name> ON "nginx" BEGIN SELECT mean(accepts) AS accepts, mean(active) AS active, mean(handled) AS handled, mean(reading) AS reading, mean(requests) AS requests, mean(waiting) AS waiting, mean(writing) AS writing INTO nginx.<target-retention-policy-name>.:MEASUREMENT FROM nginx.<source-retention-policy-name>.nginx GROUP BY time(<interval>), * END