Python Projects

Projects from the Tech Academy Python course

All projects written in Python 3.9.5 unless otherwise noted.

A simple follow along exercise that creates a game using multiple parameterized functions. If player select N (nice) they get 1 point for being nice. If they select M they get 1 point for being mean. Game loops until palyer reaches 3 nice or 3 mean points. An appopriate message is printed depending if the player is nice or mean.

Enhancement: I added audio capability by playing a different Homer Simpson sound depending on the win/lose result.

From a list of files, select the names that have .txt extension and store them in a SQLite3 database. Next, query them from the database and print them out to the console. I created functions with parameters to make them more flexible. They work with any file extension, table name, and open db connection passed to them.

createTable(conn, tblName)
storeFileList(conn, tblName, fileList, ext)
printFileList(conn, tblName)

Demonstrate Classes, Inheritance, and a parameterized class constructor.

What I learned

  • The distinction between Class Attributes and Instance Attributes. An Instance will have access to a Class attribute as long as the name of the Instance attribute (initialized with the init method) is not the same as Class attribute.
  • Create two classes (Automobile, Airplane) that inherit from a parent (Vehicle) class.
  • Ensure the parent class has at least one method.
  • Each child class declares the method with the same name as the parent and overrides the parent method with a different implementation.

Enhancement: I learned how to use multi-line f strings for the method output.

This application uses Tkinter and SQLite3 to gather Student data from 5 input fields, add the data to a database table, and display it on a Treeview widget. The application has the following buttons Add, Delete, and Close. The delete function deletes all records selected from the Treeview and database.

Screenshot 2022-01-20 162417


  • The primary key of the database is in Treeview column 0 and is hidden since it's not important to the user.
  • Though this column is hidden, it's values are available for identifying db rows for deletion.

What I learned

  • Currently learning proper use of docstrings and their different types...
  • Treeview is great for tabular data and can be used for heirarchical tabular data.
  • You can hide columns from the user and still have the data available to the program.
  • The function, lastrowid, is handy for capturing the last id used when inserting a database row.
  • I may need to research lastrowid to see if the id is always from the row you entered (when considering concurrency). I used cursor.execute("BEGIN") to try to create a transaction. I will test this someday as this concern is not critical on a single user database.

Demonstrate Encapsulation

  • Create a class that uses encapsulation. The class should use:
    • A private attribute or function.
    • A protected attribute or function.
  • Create an object that uses the protected and private attribute or function.

Demonstrate Abstraction Concepts

  • Create a class with at least one abstract method and one regular method.
  • Create a child class that implements the parent class's abstract method.
  • Create at least one object that that utilizes both the parent and child methods.

What I learned

  • Abstract methods are useful for when we want to provide a common interface for different implementations of a component such as payment method. Good for API's

Generate a Web Page With Python

  • Create an app that can generate a simple (hardcoded) web page at the click of a button.
  • Include a second button and a text Entry box to allow the user to create a customized verson of the web Page.

What I learned

  • Assigning a docstring '''comment''' to a variable can be an effective way to preseve the visual format of an HTML file.

Copy files from one folder to another

  • Create an app using Tkinter with buttons for selecting a source and destination folder. Display folder paths in Tkinter Entry widgets.
  • Files younger than 24 hours are copied from source to destination when the 'Check for files' button is clicked.


What I learned

  • Became more effective at using Docstrings for Modules, Methods/Functions, and Classes.
  • The basics of the shutil and os libraries.
  • How to pass a widget to a function -- Function captures a browsed-for folder path and stores it in the Entry widget.
  • How to use the importlib to reimport modules without having to restart IDLE.
  >>> import importlib as il
  >>> import file_transfer_main
  >>> help(file_transfer_main)
  ... make changes to file_transfer_main
  >>> il.reload(file_transfer_main)
  >>> help(file_transfer_main)  # to see changes


  • Added Hovertips to the Buttons to explain their purpose.
  • Check that Source/Destination folders are selected prior to File Transfer.
  • Show Messagebox if both folders are not selected or are the same.
