Docker Compose
Clone of required repositories:
- tickets-api
- tickets-admin
- Others...
You need to clone all the projects repositories that require it on your local host, then you need to build the docker image for each of the projects.
For example, if we were doing this for the tickets-api project:
~/src/tickets-api$ ./scripts/
- Enter the mysql container and login into a mysql terminal:
$ docker-compose up -d mysql-service
$ docker exec -ti dockerfiles_mysql-service_1 bash
root@aaabbbcccdd:/# mysql -u root -p
- Create the necessary databases
- Grant all privileges to default user
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON tickets.* to 'default'@'%';
- Dump the databases into mysql
root@aaabbbcccdd:/# cd docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/
root@aaabbbcccdd:/# mysql -u root -p tickets < mysql-tickets.sql
Install hosts maps in your system:
$ sudo ./
Once you built the images for all the required services (Please see docker-compose.yml services
), you can start the environment
$ docker-compose up -d
Sometimes during development we'd like to see the output of the service's logs, to do so, we can attach a terminal to follow the container's stdout logs
For example, to attach to Ticket's logs:
$ docker logs $(docker ps -aqf "name=tickets") -f