- opkg install libav
- opkg install python-opencv
- npm install -g avconv
- npm install -g azure-storage
/usr/demos /usr/demos/adventtracker /usr/demos/adventtracker/images /usr/demos/adventtracker/videos /usr/demos/adventtracker/voice
Main NodeJS Server: adventtrackerserver.js Face detection and picture capture :
- imageprocessor (give exec permission by using chmod 755) This is the c++ program that is responsible for image capture and face finding..
- haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml
Image Processing (C++):
- Face detection - done
- Full Picture - done Video Recording:
- recording in H.264 format using avconv.
- converting to webm is pending NodeJS Server:
- Launching c++ is done.. But, need to test. Had few issues
- Uploading blob to azure - Done.
- Sending queue messages to cloud - Pending. Need to copy code from other project.
- Able to create dynamic video tags using HTML5 is done. Loading from XDK is yet to be tested.
- So far dont have any solutoin to read queue messages from Azure on javascript. Restful API examples are not found worst case, might go with local webserver on edison for this.
- End to end integration - pending.
Voice recognition Node JS Server Modification