
Decentralized video streaming application using GunDB, MediaSoup and IPFS!

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

DeStreams : Decentralized video streaming

DeStreams is a decentralized video streaming application using modern WebRTC, GunDB , MediaSoup and IPFS to produce a hybrid MESH-SFU with strong privacy, zero user data retention and powerful off-grid capabilities.

Try it at https://destreams.zil Make sure the Unstoppable Domains extension is installed


  • Clone the repository.

  • Paste the assets folder, ws folder and index.html file in an IPFS pinning service like Textile Buckets or Pinata

Features and Usage

  • Browse to the configured HTTPS port (default 3443)
  • Choose a Room and User name
  • Share link with other participants
  • Password protect room if needed

The DeStreams application will connect to community Gun nodes for user discovery. All room data/audio/video is p2p.


SuperPeers can provide the network with services such as STUN/TURN/RELAY and in the future SFU/MCU features.