Minimum Requirements

The minimum requirements to use this template are XCode 9.2 and RubyMotion 5.0.

Keep in mind that if you've recently upgraded from a previous versions of XCode or RubyMotion, you'll want to run rake clean:all as opposed to just rake clean.


To build using the default simulator, run: rake (alias rake simulator).

To run on a specific type of simulator. You can run rake simulator device_name="SIMULATOR". Here is a list of simulators available:

  • rake simulator device_name='iPhone 5s'
  • rake simulator device_name='iPhone 8 Plus'
  • rake simulator device_name='iPhone 8 Plus'
  • rake simulator device_name='iPhone X'
  • rake simulator device_name='iPad Pro (9.7-inch)'
  • rake simulator device_name='iPad Pro (10.5-inch)'
  • rake simulator device_name='iPad Pro (12.9-inch)'

Consider using (and other parts of FastLane) to streamline management of simulators, certificates, and pretty much everything else.

So, for example, you can run rake simulator device_name='iPhone X' to see what your app would look like on iPhone X.

Deploying to the App Store

To deploy to the App Store, you'll want to use rake clean archive:distribution. With a valid distribution certificate.

In your Rakefile, set the following values:

#This is only an example, the location where you store your provisioning profiles is at your discretion.
app.codesign_certificate = "iPhone Distribution: xxxxx" #This is only an example, you certificate name may be different.

#This is only an example, the location where you store your provisioning profiles is at your discretion.
app.provisioning_profile = './profiles/distribution.mobileprovision'

For TestFlight builds, you'll need to include the following line (still using the distribution certificates):

app.entitlements['beta-reports-active'] = true


As of iOS 11, Apple requires the use of Asset Catalogs for defining icons and launch screens. You'll find icon and launch screen templates under ./resources/Assets.xcassets.

The current build has a built-in icon generate that can be triggered from your Rakefile. The first step is to create a PNG file (keep in mind that your .png file cannot contain alpha channels) and place it in your resources directory. This file should be a minimum of 1024 x 1024 pixels (it can be higher) and should be square (to prevent aspect distortion during the generation process).

To generate your icon in the Asset catalogue, add a dependency to your Rakefile as follows:

task :icons => 'resources/app-icon.icon_asset'

For the above example, the application icon is in a file called resources/app-icon.png. The new icons are then generated with the following command:

bundle exec rake icons

Once complete the new set of icon assets (and the Contents.json file) are generated. Additionally the file resources/app-icon.icon_asset will be created (and should be added to git) to track when the generated icons require a rebuild (the above command can be run multiple time and will only regenerated when the base .png is newer than the icon assets).

To make the icon generate part of your regular build process, add then following dependency (replacing the previous dependency):

task 'build:icons' => 'resources/app-icon.icon_asset'

Now, the icon assets will be regenerated (if the resources/app-icon.png file is newer than the assets) whenever you run any bundle exec rake command.

For more information about Asset Catalogs, refer to this link:

Note: For existing projects that do not have the Assets.xcassets directories from the new RubyMotion templates can simply add the task 'build:icons' ... dependency from above and all of the necessary files will be generated.