
Hello world is an Open Source project for programming beginners. It consists in providing a program that returns the “Hello World” message in the programming language you know.

Primary LanguageAssemblyMIT LicenseMIT



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Hello world is an Open Source project for programming beginners. It consists in providing a program that returns the “Hello World” message in the programming language you know.

For those who like a challenge and want to make larger contributions, you can create an API in a supported or unsupported programming language. You work in the apis folder and add the programming language to the list of supported programming languages, then add API at the end (e.g. Python: Basic, API).

List of available languages:

List of available languages:

  1. Python - Python.org
  2. Javascript - MDN Web Docs
  3. Solidity - Soliditylang.org
  4. C - GNU C Manual
  5. C++ - isocpp.org
  6. C# - Microsoft C#
  7. PHP - PHP.net
  8. Assembly - Assembly Language
  9. HTML - HTML Specification
  10. Dart - Dart.dev
  12. GDScript - Godot Engine
  13. Java - Oracle Java
  14. Bash - GNU Bash
  15. Go - Go.dev
  16. Typescript - TypeScriptlang.org
  17. Rust - Rust-lang.org
  18. Zig - Ziglang.org
  19. Kotlin - Kotlinlang.org
  20. Swift - Swift.org
  21. Lua - Lua.org
  22. Brainfuck - Brainfuck.org
  23. R - R-project.org
  24. Cairo - Cairo-lang.org
  25. Xamarin - Microsoft Xamarin
  26. Perl - Perl.org
  27. Prolog - SWI-Prolog
  28. Ruby - Ruby-lang.org
  29. Azle - Demergent Labs
  30. SQL - ISO SQL
  31. Fortran - Fortran-lang.org
  32. Motoko - Internet Computer
  33. AZle - Demergent Labs
  34. Soroban - Stellar Developers
  35. MATLAB - MathWorks
  36. Haskell - Haskell.org
  37. Scheme - Scheme.org
  38. F# - Fsharp.org
  40. Scala - Scala-lang.org
  41. Wolfram - Wolfram.com
  42. K - Kx.com
  43. J - Jsoftware.com
  44. Smalltalk - Squeak or GNU - Squeak.org or GNU Smalltalk
  45. VisualBasic - Microsoft Visual Basic
  46. Q - Kx.com
  47. Icon - Icon.cs.arizona.edu
  48. Daytona - Daytona.io
  49. Pascal - FreePascal.org
  50. Crystal - CrystalKnows.com
  51. D - D-lang.org
  52. Dylan - OpenDylan.org
  53. Racket - Racket-lang.org
  54. Erlang - Erlang.org
  55. Julia - JuliaLang.org
  56. Haxe - Haxe.org
  57. Elm - Guide.elm-lang.org
  58. OCaml - OCaml.org
  59. Elixir - Elixir-lang.org
  60. Bhailang - Bhailang.js.org
  61. Lisk - Docs.lisk.com
  62. Nim - Nim-lang.org
  63. Common Lisp - Common-lisp.net
  64. Clojure - Clojure.org
  65. Tcl - Tcl.tk
  66. PureScript - Purescript.org
  67. HolyC - HolyC.com
  68. Objective-C - Objective-C Apple Documentation
  69. Plug - PlugLanguage.org
  70. Groovy - Groovy-lang.org
  71. Falcon - Falcon-lang.org
  72. Pike - Pike.lysator.liu.se
  73. Janet - Janet-lang
  74. Ada - Ada-lang
  75. Applescript - Applescript-lang
  76. Vala - Vala-lang
  77. ALGOL 68 - ALGOL 68 Genie
  78. BASIC - Classic BASIC
  79. CLIPS - CLIPS Rule Language
  80. Cobra - Cobra Language
  81. COOL - Classroom Object-Oriented Language
  82. Eiffel - Eiffel.org
  83. Factor - Factorcode.org
  84. FORTH - Forth.org
  86. Logo - UCBLogo
  87. Modula-2 - Modula-2.info
  88. Miranda - Miranda
  89. Occam - Occam Tutorial
  90. V - V-lang.io
  91. Turing - Turing-lang.io
  92. Pony - Pony

Table of Contents


The "Hello World" project is a common first step for beginners learning a new programming language. This repository gathers implementations of the "Hello World" message in multiple languages to demonstrate different syntax and language features.


  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone https://github.com/agnilondapakou/helloWorld.git
  2. Navigate to the directory of the language you wish to try.


To run a "Hello World" program:

  1. Navigate to the specific language folder.
  2. Run the code using the appropriate compiler or interpreter.

Example in Python:

python hello.py


Contributions are encouraged! Follow these steps to contribute:

  1. Fork the repository: Click the "Fork" button at the top of this page to create a copy of this repo under your GitHub account.
  2. Clone your fork:
    git clone https://github.com/agnilondapakou/helloWorld.git
    cd helloWorld
  3. Create a new branch:
    git checkout -b add-language-<language-name>
  4. Add your "Hello World" program: Add a folder for your language (if not present) and include your program file inside it.
  5. Commit your changes:
    git add .
    git commit -m "Added Hello World in <language>"
  6. Push to your fork:
    git push origin add-language-<language-name>
  7. Create a Pull Request: Go to your fork on GitHub and click the "Compare & pull request" button to submit your changes.

Please ensure that your code adheres to the formatting conventions for the language. Check the CONTRIBUTING.md for more detailed guidelines.


  • Collection of "Hello World" programs in various programming languages.
  • Great resource for beginners to compare basic syntax across languages.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.