Different subdomain for frontend/backend cause module issues
devillep opened this issue · 6 comments
We are having problems with API URL generation because we are using different sub-domains for the frontend and backend. This is core functionality that should ideally be supported. It's used often on multi-server setups where the admin panel might work on a separate server to the frontend.
For example:
http://www.example.com/ (frontend)
https://adminpanel.example.com/ (backend)
You are using a frontend router for the API controller, which is only loaded in the frontend.
When I am in the admin panel this method:
class Zendesk_Zendesk_Block_Adminhtml_Config_Buttons_MagentoTest extends Mage_Adminhtml_Block_System_Config_Form_Field
public function getTestUrl()
return Mage::getUrl('zendesk/api/users/1');
Links to https://adminpanel.example.com/zendesk/api but it should be linking to http://www.example.com/zendesk/api. I'm not sure what other issues exist with the module as I haven't been able to get as far as getting SSO and the order callbacks working yet.
Could I ask that you test your module with a different front/backend domain name please?
Many thanks
@devillep Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We'll be looking into this issue and let you know once we have a fix out.
Hi @joseconsador any update on this?
Absolutely critical to fix - if you don't have the resources to fix it would you accept pull requests?
I believe this is actually a ZendDesk limitation, not a magento module one - there is only one URL you can put into ZendDesk to perform the SSO.