
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /app/code/community/Zendesk/Zendesk/Model/Api/Tickets.php on line 85

m-overlund opened this issue · 7 comments

Maybe a PHP8 error?
Using OpenMage 19.4.21

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null  in app/code/community/Zendesk/Zendesk/Model/Api/Tickets.php on line 85

TypeError: count(): Argument #1 ($value) must be of type Countable|array, null given in app/code/community/Zendesk/Zendesk/Model/Api/Tickets.php:85

#0 app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/zendesk/order/tickets.phtml(28): Zendesk_Zendesk_Model_Api_Tickets->forOrder()

agrohs commented

Hello @m-overlund, thanks for reaching out on here. If you have any more info/details or a PR to resolve, we'd certainly appreciate any help on it.

agrohs commented

Also, just wanted to confirm you are running the latest version of the code? I see that you have a forked version that is a decent number of commits behind and want to ensure the issue is in the main codebase/not your fork?

We do use Extension Version: 3.0.1
( The fork is just related to pull request #141 )

Created a pull request to fix this error

agrohs commented

I'll have the team take a look over and get it merged. Thanks @m-overlund!

cc: @rsbowers