
[DEFUNCT] Elekk is a Ruby gem that provides an interface to data for Blizzard's highly popular MMORPG, World of Warcraft. It currently uses data both from Blizzard's official Armory website at wowarmory.com, as well as the popular community database, WoWhead.com. Future versions may make use of additional sources of information.

Primary LanguageRuby


STATUS: Defunct — Elekk worked with the old version of the armory, and will no longer function with the new one. The code here is for historical purposes only, because I don't like hiding from bad code I wrote in the past :-)

If you're interested in taking the project over in any way, please email or twitter me. In all honesty though, you're probably better off starting from scratch!

Elekk is a Ruby gem that provides an interface to data for Blizzard's highly popular MMORPG, World of Warcraft. It currently uses data both from Blizzard's official Armory website, as well as the popular community database, Wowhead. Future versions may make use of additional sources of information.


  • Make querying information as natural and simple as possible
  • Have native representations of every data type
  • Reflect actual identifiers/schemes as closely as possible


  • Get basic character information from the Armory
    • Class
    • Level
    • Faction
    • Race
    • Gender
    • Achievement Points
    • Title
    • Armory portrait
  • Search on Wowhead with a simple text query and get
    • Internal identifiers for results
    • Links back to Wowhead
    • Icons (when available)
    • Quality (for items)
  • Query achievements
    • Get internal identifiers, icons, title and description
    • Get the date the character completed the achievement
    • Should support all categories now

To see how all this is done, it's probably best to check the spec/ directory, which has exhaustive examples of how to use nearly all the APIs, and is likely to be kept more up-to-date than this readme.


>> a = Armory.new 'Uldaman', :us
=> #<Elekk::Armory:0x10168cf20 @region=:us, @realm="Uldaman">
>> fyrbard = a.character 'Fyrbard'
=> #<Elekk::Character:0x101687818 @name="Fyrbard", @properties={:realm=>"Uldaman", :region=>:us, :name=>"Fyrbard"}, @armory=#<Elekk::Armory:0x10168cf20 @region=:us, @realm="Uldaman">, @region=:us, @realm="Uldaman">
>> puts fyrbard.race, fyrbard.race.to_i; fyrbard.race.to_sym
=> :Dwarf
>> fyrbard.level
=> 80
>> fyrbard.points
=> 4505
>> bitten = fyrbard.achievements(Achievements::Raid).find {|a| a.title =~ /once bitten/i}
=> #<Elekk::Achievement:0x1013e1aa0 @category=#<Elekk::Achievements:0x1016a6308 @name="Raid", @symbol=:Raid, @id=168>, @points=10, @description="", @id=4539, @time=Wed May 19 08:34:00 +0200 2010, @title="Once Bitten, Twice Shy (10 player)", @icon="achievement_boss_lanathel">
>> (Time.now - bitten.completed) / (3600*24)
=> 17.1609193367708
>> bitten.wowhead.icon_url(:large)
=> "http://static.wowhead.com/images/wow/icons/large/achievement_boss_lanathel.jpg"
>> results = Wowhead.search 'once bitten'
=> [#<Elekk::Wowhead::Result:0x101298108 @name="Once Bitten, Twice Shy (10 player)", @id=4539, @kind=#<Elekk::Kind:0x10141eea0 @name="Achievement", @symbol=:Achievement, @id=10>, @icon="achievement_boss_lanathel">, #<Elekk::Wowhead::Result:0x101297460 @name="Once Bitten, Twice Shy (25 player)", @id=4618, @kind=#<Elekk::Kind:0x10141eea0 @name="Achievement", @symbol=:Achievement, @id=10>, @icon="achievement_boss_lanathel">]
>> results.first.id == bitten.id
=> true
>> results.first.to_html
=> "<a href='http://www.wowhead.com/achievement=4539'>Once Bitten, Twice Shy (10 player)</a>"