
shell scripts used for uploading VODs from ctbrec/fansly recorder to a pocketbase instance

Primary LanguageShell


A collection of shell scripts used with my fansly-recorder and ctbrec to upload recorded stream VODs to a pocketbase instance to be used for viewing on a selfhosted frontend using something like tailscale to give access on any other device.

⚠ Due to initially being recorded as .ts there may be some issues with VODs not playing in browser, in ctbrec you can go to settings > recorder > file extension and change it to mp4 and change the ffmpeg parameters to the following

-c copy -movflags use_metadata_tags -map_metadata 0 -timeout 300 -reconnect 300 -reconnect_at_eof 300 -reconnect_streamed 300 -reconnect_delay_max 300 -rtmp_live live

For the fansly-recorder, you can change all reference to .ts files to mp4, there might be some other minor tweaks needed, I'll probably a version that records straight to mp4 or edit the script to allow the user to choose a file format to record in.


  • mt - used to generate contact sheets of VODs
  • discord.sh - used to send webhooks that the VOD was uploaded (in theory, didn't actually impliment checking the upload response to see if it was uploaded or not before sending)
  • libnotify (optional) - for desktop notifications when VOD is being processed and uploaded (will have to uncomment the notify-send lines in the upload script.)



The upload script assumes there are 2 collections in the pocketbase instance, with the corresponding fields platform on both collections is kinda redundant ik

  1. models
  • id, platform(text), username(text), account_id(text)
  1. videos
  • id, model(relation), platform(text), video(file, single), thumbnail(file, single)

Pocketbase token

  1. After logging in to pocketbase dashboard, press F12 and go to Network
  2. Click on one of the collections
  3. Click one of the requests that show up in the Network tab and go to the Request Headers
  4. Copy the value from Authorization


Using the ctbrec-upload.sh script in ctbrec.

  • In ctbrec settings, go to post-processing and press + to add a step
  • Select execute a script
  • In the script field add the path to the script ex: /home/user/Documents/scripts/ctbrec-upload.sh
  • In the parameters field add the following: ${modelName}, $lower(${siteName}), ${absolutePath}
  • Make sure it's enabled by checking the box and after a stream is recorded, it should begin being processed and uploaded

Fansly recorder

Using the fansly-upload.sh script with the fansly-recorder script.


  • Python-dotenv - pip install python-dotenv
  • Add the following to the imports:
from dotenv import load_dotenv
  • Replace the rclone with the following:

pb_url = os.getenv("PUBLIC_POCKETBASE_URL")
pb_token = os.getenv("ADMIN_TOKEN")
async def uploadRecording(mp4_filename, contact_sheet_filename, user_Data):
    # Fetch the user record from PocketBase
    url = f'{pb_url}/api/collections/models/records?filter=username="{user_Data["response"][0]["username"]}"'
    headers = {"Authorization": pb_token}

    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
        async with session.get(url, headers=headers) as response:
            user_record = await response.json()

    # Extract the id from the user record
    user_id = user_record["items"][0]["id"]

    command = f"./fansly-upload.sh -i {user_id} -p fansly -v {mp4_filename} -t {contact_sheet_filename}"
    subprocess.run(command, shell=True, check=True)

    if config.webhooks.enabled:
        webhook_url = config.webhooks.info_webhook
        if webhook_url is not None:
            webhook = DiscordWebhook(url=webhook_url, rate_limit_retry=True)
            mp4_name = os.path.basename(mp4_filename)
            sheet_name = os.path.basename(contact_sheet_filename)
            mention = config.webhooks.webhook_mention

            # create discordembed object
            embed = DiscordEmbed(
                title="Stream Recording Uploaded",
                description=f"Uploaded {mp4_name} with contact sheet {sheet_name}",

            # Add message and embed to webhook
            webhook.content = f"{mention} Vod Uploaded"
                file=open(contact_sheet_filename, "rb"), filename=sheet_name

            # Send webhook message
            response = webhook.execute()
            if response.status_code == 200:
                print(f"[info] Sent Discord notification that {mp4_name} was uploaded")
                    f"[warning] Failed to send webhook notification: {response.status_code} {response.reason}"
  • In the startRecording function, add user_Data to the uploadRecording function calls
  if config.upload is True and config.mt is True:
    await uploadRecording(mp4_filename, contact_sheet_filename, user_Data)
  elif config.upload is True:
    await uploadRecording(mp4_filename, user_Data)