R package with convenience functions for SFTP operations wrapping RCurl functions
sftp_connect - create an object with connection credentials
sftp_list - list files and/or folders on an SFTP URL
sftp_listfiles - list only files on an SFTP URL
sftp_listdirs - list only directories on an SFTP URL
sftp_download - download one or several files to a local folder
sftp_upload - upload one or several files from a local folder
sftp_delete - delete one or several files on an SFTP URL
sftp_rename - rename a file or a directory on an SFTP URL
sftp_makedir - create a new directory below an SFTP path
sftp_removedir - remove an existing, empty directory on an SFTP URL
sftp_changedir - change the directory in which you are standing by modifying the object with connection credentials
RCurl is a very powerful and versatile package, but it is also hard to use due to the vast amount of options and alternatives.
The sftp package serves the purpose of making it straight-forward and uncomplicated to move files and folders between a local system and an SFTP server.
Cool data science is sexy, but it is also nice to get hold of the data to begin with
- Add support for keyfiles
Get hold of this package by running these lines of code in R:
install.packages("devtools") # unless you already have it installed