
PtX-BOA is a tool which allows users to calculate the delivered cost of PtX molecules from an export country to an import country, with a detailed cost breakdown comparison highlighting the competitive edge of one country against another.

Primary LanguagePythonCreative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-SA-4.0

PtX-BOA: PtX Business Opportunity Analyser

PtX-BOA is a tool that aims to promote the export of a wide range of PtX molecules, including amongst others, green ammonia, e-methanol and synthetic fuels. Users can calculate the delivered cost of PtX molecules from an export country to an import country, with a detailed cost breakdown comparison highlighting the competitive edge of one country against another.



After cloning the repository, create a virtual python environment in a subdirectory .env and activate it:

python -m venv .\.env

Install the necessary dependencies:

python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

The code is autoformatted and checked with pre-commit. If you make changes to the code that you want to commit back to the repository, please install pre-commit with:

pre-commit install

If you have pre-commit installed, every file in a commit is checked to match a certain style and the commit is stopped if any rules are violated. Before committing, you can also check your staged files manually by running:

pre-commit run

In order to run the tests locally run pytest in the root directory:


Download optimization cache for local development

cd ptxboa\cache
scp -r ptxboa2:ptx-boa_offline_optimization/optimization_cache/* .

Release Procedure

  • merge all relevant branches into develop
  • create a relase branch
  • change and commit CHANGELOG.md with description of changes
  • update version (bumpversion patch|minor|major). This creates automatically a commit
  • create pull requests to merge release into main
  • merging this will automatically (via git action) create and publish the new docker image wingechr/ptx-boa:<VERSION>
  • merge main back into develop

Update docker image in production

# connect to server
ssh ptxboa
# pull latest image from dockerhub
docker pull wingechr/ptx-boa:$VERSION
# stop and delete the currently running container "app"
docker stop app
docker rm app
# start the latest image as "app"
docker run -d -p 9000:80 -v /home/ptxboa/ptx-boa_offline_optimization/optimization_cache:/mnt/cache --name app --restart unless-stopped wingechr/ptx-boa:$VERSION

# see logs
docker logs --follow app

Cleanup docker images from old versions

# check which docker images are downloaded
docker image ls
# if there is an old image present (let's assume from v0.6.0), you can delete it with:
docker image rm wingechr/ptx-boa:0.6.0