
Dockerized CI/CD pipeline

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Dockerized CI/CD

The idea here is to set up in docker the necessary services to automate the deployment of Helm charts to Kubernetes.

The current possible flow is:

  • create some git repositories with their helm chart
  • run a Jenkins job which publishes the charts on a Nexus Helm repository
  • deploy these charts to Kubernetes with FluxCD


Warning: the following steps aim to be reproducible. Nevertheless they depend on the current version of the tools being used, thus they should serve more as inspiration than as an exact recipe.

Other warning: since this is a local setup for experimentation, security is a secondary concern and has been put aside. Do not try to use as it is for any actual project!


  • docker and docker-compose
  • gsed (GNU sed)
  • kind
  • fluxcd


docker-compose up gitea
docker-compose exec gitea sh -c 'gitea admin user create --username developer --password developer --email dev@example.com --admin --must-change-password=false'
docker-compose exec gitea sh -c 'gitea admin user create --username jenkins --password jenkins --email jenkins@example.com --must-change-password=false'
  • http://localhost:3000
  • add your ssh key to user developer (cat ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub)
  • create org lt
  • create repos ingest, converter, forwarder and pipeline with owner lt
  • create team ci in lt with admin access
  • add user jenkins to team ci
  • add all repos to team ci
ssh-keyscan localhost >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
mkdir -p git
REPOS="ingest converter forwarder pipeline"
for REPO in $(echo "$REPOS")
  cp -r example/odc/$REPO git
  cp example/odc/Jenkinsfile.release git/$REPO
  cd git/$REPO
  gsed -i "s/REPOSITORY_PLACEHOLDER/$REPO/g" Jenkinsfile.release
  git init
  git remote add origin ssh://git@localhost:22/lt/$REPO.git
  git add .
  git commit -m "initial commit"
  git push -uf origin master
  cd ...

The ingest repo, for example, now contains a Jenkinsfile.release describing a job to push its Helm chart to Nexus.

In case you want to delete a user: docker-compose exec gitea sh -c 'gitea admin user delete --username developer'


  • docker-compose up nexus
  • go to http://localhost:8081/ and sign in as admin
    • docker-compose exec nexus cat /nexus-data/admin.password
    • set admin as password
    • allow anonymous access, for fluxcd later
  • admin, repositories, create repo, helm hosted
    • name: helm-hosted


  • docker-compose up jenkins
  • build an image with the necessary tools to run the jobs
    • docker build --tag jenkinsagent jenkinsagent
  • http://localhost:8080, sign in with admin:admin and skip plugin installation
  • manage jenkins, configure system, add gitea server
    • http://gitea:3000
    • manage hooks
      • scope: system
      • jenkins:jenkins
  • new item, organization folder
    • name: release
    • repository source: gitea
    • owner lt
    • add credentials again
    • pipeline jenkinsfile: Jenkinsfile.release
  • check that the gitea org scan sees the repos

Triggering the ingest release should publish its chart to Nexus. Same for converter and forwarder.

kind (Kubernetes in Docker)


cp -r example/flux git
cd git/flux
git init
git remote add origin ssh://git@localhost:22/lt/flux.git
git add . ; git commit -m "initial commit"; git push -uf origin master
cd ...
  • create ssh key for flux
    • mkdir ssh; cd ssh; ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f key
    • add cat key.pub to gitea developer user
  • bootstrap flux
    • check /etc/hosts for kubernetes.docker.internal
    • ssh-keyscan kubernetes.docker.internal >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
    • flux bootstrap git --url=ssh://git@kubernetes.docker.internal:22/lt/flux --private-key-file=ssh/key --branch=master
    • flux get kustomizations --watch to monitor progress

You should now see the Nexus HelmRepository as READY when checking kubectl get HelmRepository -n flux-system.

Deploy pipeline on cluster

For this step the pipeline chart needs to be released.

  • add another organization folder subcharts update (similar to release) targetting pipeline files Jenkinsfile.depsupdate
  • the Jenkins job should run after the scan and create a pull request
  • merge the pull request in Gitea
  • run the release job for the pipeline
  • the pipeline HelmRelease in the flux repo deploy the latest version of the chart to Kubernetes (kubectl get HelmRelease)

You should now see pods running when checking kubectl get pods.