
Phaser 3 glyph plugin.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Build & Test Coverage Version Downloads/week License


Phaser 3 glyph plugin. Inspired by rot.js canvas-based ASCII display. Requires Phaser v3.22+.


Getting Started

  1. Install the package:

    npm install --save @agogpixel/phaser3-glyph-plugin
  2. Extend a scene (TypeScript only) with the plugin mapped to the glyph property:

    import { GlyphPlugin } from '@agogpixel/phaser3-glyph-plugin';
    class MyScene extends GlyphPlugin.GlyphScene('glyph', class extends Phaser.Scene {}) {
        create() {
            const glyphmap = this.add.glyphmap(0, 0, 10, 10);
            for (let y = 0; y < glyphmap.heightInCells; ++y) {
                for (let x = 0; x < glyphmap.widthInCells; ++x) {
                    if (!y || !x || y === glyphmap.heightInCells - 1 || x === glyphmap.widthInCells - 1) {
                        glyphmap.draw(x, y, [['#', '#EEEEEEFE', '#4444']]);
                    } else {
                        glyphmap.draw(x, y, [['.', '#FFF']]);
            const center = glyphmap.getCenter();
            this.cameras.main.centerOn(center.x, center.y);
  3. Add the plugin & extended scene to the game config:

    new Phaser.Game({
        // ...
        plugins: {
            global: [
                    key: 'GlyphPlugin',
                    plugin: GlyphPlugin,
                    mapping: 'glyph',
                    start: true
        scene: [MyScene]
        // ...


Under initial development. Please refer to the API docs & demos for usage examples.


Live development with jest watch mode:

npm start

Live development with demos:

npm run demos

Lint files:

npm run lint      # Report issues.
npm run lint-fix  # Fix issues.

Unit test & create coverage report in coverage/:

npm test

Build consumable .js, .js.map, & .d.ts files to dist/; prepare for further packaging:

npm run build

Smoke test build:

npm run smoke-test

Create package tarball from dist/:

npm run create-tarball               # Development stream.
npm run create-tarball -- --release  # Release stream.

Publish package tarball to registry (some assembly required):

npm run publish-tarball -- NPM
npm run publish-tarball -- GitHub

Package Distribution

Tag for stable release with highest version: latest

Development release tag (tracks main branch): next

Additional distribution tags include:

Distribution Release Pre-Release
Major versions with highest minor, patch (and possibly pre-release) version. vX~latest vX~next
Major, minor versions with highest patch (and possibly pre-release) version. vX.Y~latest vX.Y~next
Major, minor, patch versions - catch all for releases that don't match any of the above. vX.Y.Z~latest vX.Y.Z~next


Licensed under the MIT License.