
Source materials supporting Stripe's 2020 negative emissions purchases (http://stripe.com/blog/first-negative-emissions-purchases)

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-4.0

Stripe's 2020 Negative Emissions Purchases — Source Materials

Appendix to http://stripe.com/blog/first-negative-emissions-purchases.

These materials formed the basis of our 2020 negative emissions purchases. We're releasing them to the public, under a CC-BY "Attribution" license, to promote transparency and knowledge-sharing in the field.

In the Project Applications directory, you'll find the raw PDF file of each project's application. We are grateful to the projects for participating in this process, and agreeing to have their applications made public.

In the root of the repo, you'll find:

  • Our legacy critera, formulated with the guidance of our expert reviewers.
  • A template project application, completed versions are in the Project Applications directory.
  • A template review feedback form that our reviewers used to provide feedback.
  • A template contract we used to make our purchases.
  • A dataset of key information provided in each project's application.
    • This file tabulates raw content from the project applications. Values are taken directly from project proposals. Minimal cleaning was performed for basic numerical consistency (e.g. replacing ranges with averages or minimums), but otherwise not harmonized or analyzed. For nearly all metrics, further analysis and modification would likely be required for consistent comparison.

Please reach out to climate+github@stripe.com with any questions.