A module that creates an API Gateway Proxy to your VPC.
Current stable version: v1.2
Call me like this:
NOTE: It is not secure to output the api_key to the terminal. In real deployments, omit the api_key output.
module "lambda_proxy" {
source = "github.com/sprutner/tf_aws_lambda_proxy"
region = "${var.region}"
name = "proxy"
proxy_hostname = "exampleproxy${var.environment}.dev"
proxy_port = "80"
subnet_ids = "${module.vpc.app_subnets}"
security_group_ids = ["${aws_security_group.proxy_access.id}"]
burst_limit = 10000
rate_limit = 1000
output "invoke_url" {
value = "${module.lambda_proxy.invoke_url}"
output "api_key" {
value = "${module.lambda_proxy.api_key_value}"