
Simple project to show EUR<>GBP exchange rate in a Grove LCD screen with Intel Edison

Primary LanguageGo


This is a simple project to show in a Grove LCD screen the exchange rate between GBP and EUR using an Intel Edison.

I set up some thresholds for the colors:

  • It will be red until 1.20
  • Blue between 1.20 and 1.30
  • Green otherwise


I am using Mastermind glide for our deps, but feel free to use whatever you want. In case that you want to do it as us:

glide install

Take a look to the Makefile to be sure that all the params are correct. Add a password if you need it. And now to cross compile the project, send it to the Edison and run it:


If at this step you don't see the exchange rate in your screen something went wrong.

Running it at startup

There is a systemd script provided, the steps to use it are:

scp edison_gbp_to_eur.service root@[edison_ip]:/etc/systemd/system
ssh root@[edison_ip] systemctl enable edison_gbp_to_eur

You could have done this with:

make install

And now if you restart your Edison you should have the project running.