
Engine to use Neo4J as the backend of your old school text adventure games.

Primary LanguageGo


goqui (aka goquixote) is a small experiment I made for fun. Basically it's an engine to use Neo4J as the backend of your old school text adventure games.

In the folder examples/ you will find some games (just one for now TBH) that you can import to your Neo4J to test this code.

How does it look like?

This is a demo of goqui, I think that for now you should just move north :)
You see: nothing.
Your possible moves?:
- north


But the most important bit, how does it look in Neo4J?


Use this under your own responsability, I just created it for fun and the code is ugly and untested. Probably you are not going to break anything serious, but I wouldn't run this using my production DBs. Also if you want to learn some Go or Neo4J you should pick some other project out there :)

Quick start

  1. Run Neo4J with Docker's help:

     docker run -i -t -d --name neo4j --cap-add=SYS_RESOURCE -p 7474:7474 agonzalezro/neo4j
  2. Go to your docker host, port 7474 and import one of the examples.

  3. If you want to see how it looks:

     MATCH (n)
     OPTIONAL MATCH (n)-[r]-()
     RETURN n, r
  4. Get goqui if you didn't yet:

     go get github.com/agonzalezro/goqui
  5. Run the program against your Neo4J:

     goqui -neo4j http://neo4j:password@b2d:7474/db/data"


Sadly, the CLI is very dumb for now. The action that you can perform are:

  • move direction
  • pick object
  • use object with object
  • inventory
  • talk
  • describe

Please, remember that you need to write those commands as they are, don't forget the articles or prepositions!


I am using the Go 1.5 vendor experiment, so remember to set GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT to 1.


  • Explain how to create new adventures.
  • Lots of duplications everywhere.
  • Implement a Go-interface to easily change the game-interface.
  • Provide binaries.
  • The CLI should be hundred time more clever.
  • All the queries should be case insensitive
  • Return the message of MOVE_WITH_CONDITION when you can not move, for example: "you need to open the door before moving".
  • Tests? Yeah, this code was made just for fun but it should have some.
  • End the game if it's the final room.