
Replacement for window.confirm() using the Reveal modal popup plugin from ZURB Foundation.

Primary LanguageCoffeeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Replacement for window.confirm() using the Reveal modal popup plugin from ZURB Foundation.

For maximum “are you really, really sure” protection, the user can optionally be prompted to type out a word or phrase to enable the button to proceed.

Requires jQuery, as well as ZURB’s Reveal plugin.

Integrates with the Rails jQuery UJS adapter if the latter has been included, by overwriting $.rails.allowAction. Simple use of confirm: "Are you sure?" in the link_to helper will use the standard window.confirm() prompt; see CoffeeScript source for full usage details.


See the project page for a demo.

Basic usage

Run $(document).confirmWithReveal() after including this plugin to initialize it. This plugin must be included after jQuery (and if integrating with Rails, after the jquery_ujs plugin as well).

Then simply put a data-confirm attribute on whatever links or buttons you like (e.g. <a href="…" data-confirm>…</a>. You may put this attribute directly on a form element as well to confirm all submissions.

If the data-confirm attribute contains a plain string (e.g. <a href="…" data-confirm="Are you sure?">…</a>), the default $.rails.confirm or window.confirm function will perform the confirmation.

Advanced usage

You may customize the plugin in two ways: in the initialization call (to apply to all instances of confirmation popups on the page) or directly in the individual link or button to be confirmed (for single-use configuration).

The initialization call accepts an options hash, with any or all of the following keys:

  • modal_class: CSS class(es) for the modal popup doing the confirmation
  • title: Text for title bar of modal popup (default: “Are you sure?”)
  • title_class: CSS class(es) for the title bar
  • body: Warning inside main content area of popup (default: “This action cannot be undone.”)
  • body_class: CSS class(es) for the main warning paragraph
  • password: If set, will require the user to type out this string to enable the action (default: none)
  • prompt: Format string for password prompt (%s will be replaced by the specified password; default: “Type %s to continue:”)
  • footer_class: CSS class(es) for the bottom area containing the buttons
  • ok: Label for the button that does the delete/destroy/etc. (default: “Confirm”)
  • ok_class: CSS class(es) for the button that does the delete/destroy/etc.
  • cancel: Label for the button that cancels out of the action (default: “Cancel”)
  • cancel_class: CSS class(es) for the button that cancels out of the action


  ok: 'Make it so',
  cancel: 'Never mind'

You may also put a JSON-encoded object in the data-confirm attribute to customize a single confirmation popup. Rails’ link_to helper does the JSON conversion for you automatically; outside of Rails you may need to run to_json or the like explicitly.


  'Danger zone!',
  data: {
    confirm: {
      ok: 'Yup',
      cancel: 'Nope'


The plugin fires two events: cancel.reveal if a confirmable action is cancelled by the user, and confirm.reveal if the user wants to continue. The events are triggered on the link, button, or form containing the data-confirm attribute, and bubble up the DOM hierarchy (so they can be handled on $(document) if desired). At this time, additional confirmation or validation cannot be attached via these events. This is on the roadmap for a future version.