
A template for quick-starting applications using Perl's Dancer, Twitter's Bootstrap and Font-Awesome.

Primary LanguagePerl

TODO when you start a new application:

1. Download the template
2. Rename "lib/dancer_bootstrap_fontawesome_template.pm" to something relevant for you.
3. Added "bin/app.pl" and change the module name (from step 2).
4. ???
5. Profit!

TODO when updating Tweeter's bootstrap:
 Quickest way:
    $ cd /path/to/your/dancer/project
    $ ./bin/update_bootstrap

 Manual Unix Way:
    $ cd /path/to/your/dancer/project
    $ cd public
    $ mv bootstrap bootstrap.$(date +%F).old
    $ wget http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/assets/bootstrap.zip
    $ unzip bootstrap.zip
    $ rm bootstrap.zip

 Steps are:
    1. Download bootstrap's ZIP file (should be named "bootstrap.zip") to the "<dancer>/public" directory.
    2. Delete (or rename/move-aside) the current "<dancer>/public/bootstrap" directory .
    3. unzip the bootstrap.zip file in "<dancer>/public" .
    4. The updated "bootstrap" directory will be used automatically.

TODO when updating font-awesome:
 Quickest way:
    $ cd /path/to/your/dancer/project
    $ ./bin/update_fontawesome

 Manual Unix Way:
    $ cd /path/to/your/dancer/project
    $ cd public
    $ mv FontAwesome FontAwesome.$(date +%F).old
    $ wget -O FontAwesome.zip https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/zipball/master
    $ unzip FontAwesome.zip
    # Here be a catch: the unzip'd directory will be different everytime, depending on the latest GIT version.
    #                  So we rename it using a shell-wildcard, assuming no other directroy is named like this.
    #                  run "ls -l" to see what I mean.
    $ mv FortAwesome-Font-Awesome-* FontAwesome
    $ rm FontAwesome.zip

 Steps are:
    1. Download the latest Font-Awesome zipball
    2. Delete (or rename/move-aside) the current "<dancer>/public/FontAwesome" directory .
    3. unzip the FontAwesome.zip file in "<dancer>/public" .
    4. The updated "FontAwesome" directory will be used automatically.

TODO when updating JQuery:
  Manual unix way:
    1. Find out the latest version at  http://docs.jquery.com/Downloading_jQuery
    2. Goto <dancer>/public/javascripts
    3. Download the new JQuery file.
    4. Update <dancer>/views/layout/main.tt (at the bottom <script>) to use the new JQuery.