
FileSystem module helpers package

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The @asaml/fs-helpers package is a Node.js module that provides utility functions for file system operations. It simplifies common tasks related to directories and files.


npm install @asaml/fs-helpers


const fsHelpers = require('@asaml/fs-helpers')

Available Functions

  • isDir(path: string): boolean Checks if the specified path refers to a directory.


path (string): The directory path to check. Return:

A Promise that resolves to true if it's a directory, or false if it's not. isFile(path: string): boolean Checks if the specified path refers to a file.


path (string): The file path to check. Return:

A Promise that resolves to true if it's a file, or false if it's not. copyDirTo(sourceDir: string, destinationDir: string): void Copies the entire contents of one directory to another.


sourceDir (string): The source directory. destinationDir (string): The destination directory. Return:

A Promise that resolves after the copy is complete. copyFileTo(sourceFile: string, destinationFile: string): void Copies a source file to a specific destination.


sourceFile (string): The path of the source file. destinationFile (string): The path of the destination file. Return:

A Promise that resolves after the copy is complete. copyDirectoryTo(sourceDir: string, destinationDir: string): void Copies the entire source directory to the destination, maintaining the directory structure.


sourceDir (string): The source directory. destinationDir (string): The destination directory. Return:

A Promise that resolves after the copy is complete.

getDirectoryFilesList(directory: string): string Gets a list of files in the specified directory.


directory (string): The directory to get the list of files. Return:

A Promise that resolves to an array of strings, where each string is the path of a file in the directory.

Usage Examples

const fsHelpers = require('@asaml/fs-helpers');

// Check if a path is a directory
const isDirectory = fsHelpers.isDir('/path/to/directory');

// Check if a path is a file
const isFile = fsHelpers.isFile('/path/to/file.txt');

// Copy the contents of a directory to another
fsHelpers.copyDirTo('/source/directory', '/destination/directory');

// Copy a file from one location to another
fsHelpers.copyFileTo('/source/file.txt', '/destination/file.txt');

// Copy an entire directory to another while maintaining the structure
fsHelpers.copyDirectoryTo('/source/directory', '/destination/directory');

// Get the list of files in a directory
const filesList = fsHelpers.getDirectoryFilesList('/path/to/directory');


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