
Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Data Harmonization

This project implements the data harmonization website by Dockerizing Django with Postgres, Gunicorn, and Nginx.

How to use


Uses the default Django development server.

  1. Rename config/.env.dev-sample to config/.env.dev.

  2. Update the environment variables in the docker-compose.yml and config/.env.dev files.

  3. Build the images and run the containers:

    $ cp config/.env.dev-sample config/.env.dev
    $ cp config/.env-api.dev-sample config/.env-api.dev
    $ CURRENT_UID=$(id -u):$(id -g) DEV_UID=$(id -u) docker-compose up -d --build

    Test it out at http://localhost:80. The "app" folder is mounted into the container and your code changes apply automatically.

Furthermore, admins can access a custom django-jupyter-notebook kernel on port 7777:

# In a new shell
$ docker-compose exec api /bin/bash
(api)$ python manage.py shell_plus --notebook

Take note of the token and use it in your browser address bar:

http://<ip of the host>:7777/?token=<token number>


Uses gunicorn + nginx.

  1. Rename config/.env.prod-sample to config/.env.prod and config/.env.prod.db-sample to config/.env.prod.db. Update the environment variables.

  2. Create a self signed certficate for HTTPS encryption

  3. Build the images and run the containers:

    $ cp config/.env.prod-sample config/.env.prod
    $ cp config/.env.prod.db-sample config/.env.prod.db
    # Modify config/.env.prod.db to include the machine's IP to DJANGO_ALLOWED_HOSTS
    $ openssl req -new -newkey rsa:4096 -x509 -sha256 -days 365 -nodes -out config/nginx/localhost.crt -keyout config/nginx/localhost.key < config/.ssl-vals-sample
    $ docker-compose -f docker-compose.prod.yml up -d --build

    Test it out at http://localhost:1337. No mounted folders. To apply changes, the image must be re-built.

Special Remarks

This project was build on top of different amazing tutorials: