
Provides tools for automated extraction, parsing, and cleaning of bibliographic references from PDF and text documents.

Primary LanguageROtherNOASSERTION


Lifecycle: experimental

Ranystyle (pronounce R-anystyle) is an R package designed to automate the extraction, parsing, and cleaning of bibliographic references from PDF and text documents as well as vector of references stored in an R object. Utilizing the power of the ‘anystyle’ Ruby gem, it segments references and converts them into structured formats suitable for analysis and use.

You can cite this package as:

#> To cite biblionetwork in publications use:
#>   Goutsmedt, Aurélien, (2023). Ranystyle: Automated Bibliographic
#>   Reference Parsing and Cleaning. R package version 0.0.999.
#>   https://github.com/agoutsmedt/Ranystyle
#> Une entrée BibTeX pour les utilisateurs LaTeX est
#>   @Manual{,
#>     title = {Ranystyle: Automated Bibliographic Reference Parsing and Cleaning},
#>     author = {Aurélien Goutsmedt},
#>     year = {2024},
#>     note = {R package version 0.0.999},
#>     url = {https://github.com/agoutsmedt/Ranystyle},
#>   }
#> As Ranystyle is continually evolving, you may want to cite its version
#> number. Find it with 'help(package=Ranystyle)'.


You can install the development version of Ranystyle from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

For the functions of Ranystyle to work, you need to install manually Ruby and RubyGems first. Then, you can use install_anystyle() to automatically install anystyle and anystyle-cli ruby gems.


Here’s a basic example of how you might use Ranystyle to parse and clean references from a PDF document:

# Path to your PDF document
pdf_path <- system.file("extdata", package = "Ranystyle")
files <- list.files(pdf_path)

# Extract references from the PDF
extracted_refs <- find_ref_to_df(input = paste0(pdf_path, "/", files[1]))
#> [1] "anystyle -f json find C:/Users/goutsmedt/AppData/Local/Temp/RtmpMxc1Bs/temp_libpath2cc835e6e90/Ranystyle/extdata/example_doc_1.pdf "
#> [1] "anystyle --overwrite -f ref find C:/Users/goutsmedt/AppData/Local/Temp/RtmpMxc1Bs/temp_libpath2cc835e6e90/Ranystyle/extdata/example_doc_1.pdf ./"

# Print the extracted references
#> # A tibble: 81 × 23
#>    id_doc doc         id_ref author   title  year `container-title` volume pages
#>     <int> <chr>       <chr>  <list>   <chr> <int> <chr>             <chr>  <chr>
#>  1      1 example_do… 1_1    <tibble> ECB …  2023 Financial Times   <NA>   <NA> 
#>  2      1 example_do… 1_2    <tibble> Rule…  1983 Journal of Monet… 12     101–…
#>  3      1 example_do… 1_3    <tibble> Idea…  2009 Journal of Europ… 16     701–…
#>  4      1 example_do… 1_4    <tibble> A st…  1999 Scottish Journal… 46     17–39
#>  5      1 example_do… 1_5    <tibble> Tech…  2018 International Po… 12     328–…
#>  6      1 example_do… 1_6    <tibble> Late…  2003 Journal of Machi… 3      <NA> 
#>  7      1 example_do… 1_7    <tibble> Plan…  2022 Zeitschrift Für … 32     707–…
#>  8      1 example_do… 1_8    <tibble> Repu…  2010 <NA>              <NA>   <NA> 
#>  9      1 example_do… 1_9    <tibble> The …  2016 At the Macroecon… <NA>   <NA> 
#> 10      1 example_do… 1_10   <tibble> Effe…  2017 At the EUROFI Co… <NA>   <NA> 
#> # ℹ 71 more rows
#> # ℹ 14 more variables: location <chr>, publisher <chr>, type <chr>, date <chr>,
#> #   other_date <chr>, other_title <chr>, url <chr>, issue <chr>, doi <chr>,
#> #   edition <chr>, genre <chr>, note <chr>, editor <chr>, full_ref <chr>

See the vignette("using_Ranystyle") for a more in-depth presentation of the package.


anystyle has been developed by Alex Fenton, Sylvester Keil, Johannes Krtek and Ilja Srna. anystyle is under copyright: Copyright 2011-2018 Sylvester Keil. All rights reserved. See the Licence for details.

The logo of Ranystyle has been generated with DALL·E.