
An R Package With Functions To Help Manipulating Networks

Primary LanguageROtherNOASSERTION


R-CMD-check Lifecycle: experimental

The goal of networkflow (a workflow for networks) is to propose a series of functions to make it easier and quicker to manipulats networks. It mainly targets working on bibliometric networks (see the biblionetwork package for creating such networks). This package heavily relies on igraph and tidygraph, and aims at producing ready-made networks for projecting them using ggraph. This package aims at helping the users to follow more quickly and easily the main steps of network manipulation, from creating the graph, through detecting clusters, to projecting it. Please see vignette("workflow-network") for details on the workflow for dealing with a unique network.

Networkflow also proposes a worfklow to deal with a list of networks, in order to develop a dynamic analysis. It implements a method to merge clusters across successive networks, to identify inter-temporal clusters. It also develops corresponding visualisations to display the evolution of clusters across networks. vignette("exploring_dynamic_networks") gives an example of the workflow for dynamic networks. You can also find illustrations for this method in “An Independent European Macroeconomics? A History of European Macroeconomics through the Lens of the European Economic Review.

You can cite this package as:

#> Pour citer le package 'networkflow' dans une publication, utilisez :
#>   Goutsmedt A, Truc A (2022). _networkflow: Functions For A Workflow To
#>   Manipulate Networks_. https://github.com/agoutsmedt/networkflow,
#>   https://agoutsmedt.github.io/networkflow/.
#> Une entrée BibTeX pour les utilisateurs LaTeX est
#>   @Manual{,
#>     title = {networkflow: Functions For A Workflow To Manipulate Networks},
#>     author = {Aurélien Goutsmedt and Alexandre Truc},
#>     year = {2022},
#>     note = {https://github.com/agoutsmedt/networkflow,
#> https://agoutsmedt.github.io/networkflow/},
#>   }


You can install the development version from GitHub with:
