This CLI takes the IT Contact Information form and automatically populates the fields.
The CLI also creates a copy of the IT SUPPORT- Getting started email template, but does not populate those fields YET
Paste the following code into powershell
curl -o tempInstall.ps1; .\tempInstall.ps1; Remove-Item tempInstall.ps1
> NH -Name "<name>" -PW "<password>" [options]
Invoking NH without -Name and/or -PW and/or -Print will prompt the user to validate those fields.
Leaving -Name or -PW fields empty after validation will throw an error
> NH
name: Alejandro Perez
password: TestPassword1937
do you want to print the document? [y/n]: y
Specify the name of the new hire
Specify the user's password
If user is a Procedeo new hire, include this option which changes 2 things:
- the email domain (
- the text color (procedeo yellow)
Will automatically print the document to your default printer.
Before the document processes, you will be prompted to confirm if you want to print to the default printer
- Email template support
I am still debating if I should support the IT SUPPORT - Getting started email template.
I need to see if the rest of the team uses that email template regularly.
- Options for other companies (SVM)
Currently, only Procedeo is supported since that is the only other company I deal with new hires. If this CLI is adopted by the whole team, I will add support for SVM