
Using Tinkerforge hardware to emulate a virtual joystick for Windows

Primary LanguagePython


Using Tinkerforge hardware to emulate a virtual joystick for Windows, by using SimScript ( https://github.com/nmeier/simscript/wiki )


  1. install SimScript and VJoy
  2. edit joystick-server.py and scripts/joystick-client.py to fit your needs/UIDs
  3. copy scripts/joystick-client.py to scripts in your SimScript-dir
  4. start joystick-server.py using python3
  5. start SimScript and select joystick-client.py
  6. done

My Tinkerforge-setup


  1. button 1
  2. button 2
  3. button 3
  4. indicator (led) for reverse of linear poti

Linear Poti

controls 3. axis (positive only, until reversed)

Rotary Encoder

  • rotary: controls 4. axis
  • button: reverses linear poti, also button 5 of virtual controler