
A network search tool written in PHP that allows for the cataloguing and searching of a university or business SMB/CIFS network in a MySQL database.

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BranScan is a SMB/CIFS network search solution written in PHP. It requires at least MySQL 3.x and PHP 4.2 with libsmbclient compiled in.

BranScan is copyright (c) 2002-2003 Daniel Silverman zeno@agblog.com


A static (non-functional) scrape of the Brandeis installation is viewable at: http://agperson.com/old/boogle

Directory Structure

config.inc.php      All configuration options
subnets.inc.php     A list of subnets to scan
cron.tab            Sample crontab file
README              This file
INSTALL             Installation instructions
www/                Web accessible directory
sql/                MySQL schema
lib/                Scripts for scanning and crawling