
Developed three CPU scheduling algorithms for simulating how computer operating systems schedule processes. I implemented FCFS (First Come First Serve) non-preemptive, SJF (Shortest Job First) non-preemptive, and MLFQ (Multi Level Feedback Queue) preemptive. After processes complete a CPU burst, they then goes in I/O and once they complete I/O they are scheduled by the algorithm. Average wait time, turnaround time, CPU utilization, and response time for each algorithm are calculated. The MLFQ implementation embodies object oriented principles by containing a class MLFQ_Queue which inherits from the generic Queue and each MLFQ_Queue contains references to other MLFQ_Queue's relative to their respective priorities. The two higher priority queue’s use Round Robin with different time quantums for their own scheduling while the lowest priority queue uses FCFS for scheduling. This project was for my Computer Operating Systems course (COP4610).