
Wiki portlet

Primary LanguageJava

Wiki portlet

This portlet is deployable in any JSR-168 compliant portal. Currently it is 
tested and working in uPortal 4.0.x environment.

Portlet provides some very basic wiki functionalities:
1. Create and edit wiki pages according to XWiki syntax: 
2. Page interlinking
3. Page space name is used for grouping wiki pages. This ensures that pages 
   from different portlets with same names won't collide. And in the mean time 
   setting 'pageSpace' parameter in portlet preferences to same values for 
   different portlets, allows those portlets to share the page pool. But in 
   this situation it is recommended to set 'rootPage' parameter for all but 
   one of those portlets so that first page would be different for each of 
   those portlets.
4. 'rootPage' portlet preference parameter sets the name of the first page 
   to use. This parameter should be used whenever portlets share the same page 
   space. By default its name is 'ROOT'

1. Create a DB in postgres (currently this portlet is developed using 
   postgres, although there shouln't be much trouble using other DBMS)
2. Create DB structure by executing SQL provided in 'init.sql' file
3. Configure src/main/webapp/META-INF/context.xml according to your needs
4. Build a .war file using 'mvn clean package'
5. Deploy it to portal (this is portal-specific step)