
Erlang interface for Tokyo Tyrant (port to 13B01)

Primary LanguageErlang

Medici is a Tokyo Tyrant interface for Erlang.  It is composed of two
basic parts, principe and the medici server.

Principe is a thin Erlang wrapper around the Tokyo Tyrant TCP/IP API.
It suports hash, b-tree, and table databases (the latter via the
principe_table module). Principe does not do any connection handling
beyond providing a simple connect() function, it just makes requests
to a tyrant server and returns the results.

Medici is an Erlang app that provides a supervised pool of client
connections to the tyrant service (via principe) and a client controller
that provides an fairly robust api for other processes to use when
accessing the tyrant service. 

Keys and Values

All keys for database operations should be iolists.  Values can be
iolists, integers, or floats.  For the table interface the columns
are accessed via {column_name, column_value} proplists, where the
column name is an iolist and the column value is an iolist, integer,
or float.

Mad props to Bob Ippolito for the pytyrant package that I used as a
template and to Harish Mallipeddi whose tora package provided the
response handling functions I am using with a few minor tweaks.