
A widget to manage baselayers and overlayers. A base map switcher of sorts.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Note: This repo has been replaced by https://github.com/agrc/kitchen-sink

Build Status



npm install @agrc/layer-selector



grunt - Good for hot starts when your browser is already open

  1. This will create a jasmine test page
  2. Lint the code with eslint
  3. Check for unused AMD dependencies
  4. Create a server for the jasmine test page on http://localhost:8001/tests/_specRunner.html
  5. Watch for changes and live reload.

grunt launch - Good for cold starts

  1. Same as grunt except it will open your browser for you.

grunt docs - Generate docs for project

  1. Creates the markdown docs for the project.

grunt doc-selector - Good for working on LayerSelector docs

  1. Creates an html page
  2. Sets up server at http://localhost:8000/docs/
  3. Watches for changes and live reloads

grunt doc-selector-item - Good for working on LayerSelectorItem docs

  1. Creates an html page
  2. Sets up server at http://localhost:8000/docs/
  3. Watches for changes and live reloads

grunt travis - Good for testing CI issues

  1. Runs jasmine tests in Headless Chrome