
In post gallery for obisidan

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



  • This plugin only supports OSX
  • Post need to have frontmatter, and front matter need to contain path, the relative path to your vault
  • Post's dir need to contain the folder assets
  • Pictures which would be displayed in the gallery need to be put in one folder under the assets
    • /${path}/assets/gallery00
    • /${path}/assets/gallery01

frontmatter example

uuid: "6CF41F914BCB4B43B2665684DF81E08C"
path: "/album-test-post"
date: "2019-01-08"
slug: "album-test-post"
title: "Album test post"

How to use


$ yarn global add @agreatfool/obsidian-post-gallery
$ obsidian-post-gallery-install -v ${your_vault_path}

Reopen your obsidian

  • Edit the post, add frontmatter as described above
  • Put images under the folder as described above
  • Edit the post, add post-gallery block


Only gallery name specified, others use default value (rowHeight: 240, margins: 5):

name: gallery00

Specified the "rowHeight" as 120, and "margins" between images as 10

name: gallery00
rowHeight: 120
margins: 10

Click the image in the gallery would open the OSX default preview app



This plugin is using Justified Gallery


$ obsidian-post-gallery-install -h
Usage: install [options]

Obsidian plugin "obsidian-post-gallery" installer, help to install the plugin

  -V, --version      output the version number
  -v, --vault <dir>  directory of target vault
  -h, --help         display help for command

How to build & publish

$ npm run dev
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "..."
$ npm version patch
$ npm publish
$ git push origin master --verbose