To Compile/Run: - Install Lazarus Pascal IDE - Open each of the projects TurboRisk.lpi, TRSim.lpi and lhelp/lhelp.lpi and build them. (Or run `lazbuild TurboRisk.lpi` etc.) Changes (By Nathan McNew) -------- This is a port of TurboRisk to Lazarus/Free Pascal. It has been made multiplatform and tested on both Linux (Linux Mint 18) and Windows (Windows 7). No features have been added, this is as close as possible to the version 2.0.5 originally released on Github. One feature was removed: The ability to check for updates to the software, as that no longer seemed as relevant and was more difficult to port. That feature could easily be added back again in the future Some notes on the code: - In order to make it multiplatform, the "help" was moved from Windows help to the Lazarus lhelp program. As such the code for lhelp has been included as a subdirectory and can be compiled to produce the lhelp executable (required to view the help file in the game). - PascalScript defaults to treating division of ints as an int, rather than a float. This behaviour can be changed by adding the preprocessor command {$DEFINE PS_DELPHIDIV} to the include file for PascalScript. As this behavior breaks several trp players, PascalScript has been included as a subdirectory as well so that this include file can be changed, and the code recompiled with this flag. - the TCanvas.floodfill command (necessary for changing the color of territories on the map) is unimplemented in Lazarus in Linux, as documented in the forums. As a result, a workaround proposed in the forums has been included as a separate file (floodfilltest.pas) which implements a (slower) floodfill so the program will still work in Linux. When compiled for Windows TurboRisk will still use the original, functional TCanvas command. --------- Issues: - A couple of players, notably Australian+.trp cause an "Access Violation" and are unplayable when used on Linux. This issue only seems to arise when only computer players (no humans) are present, and if no other games have already occurred. The issue doesn't seem to be present in Windows. - The player frank+.trp causes an "Error: Script Loading Failed" whenever it is used. The reason for this is not currently known. --------- The original Readme follows. TurboRisk notes for the developers Mario Ferrari ================================== Comments in sparse order ------------------------ - In view of making the project open source, years ago I started translating the comments and the variable names from Italian into English. Unfortunately I never finished this job. With modern refactoring tools changing names to the variables should be easy, fast and safe. As for the comments... whenever you find a comment you don't understand and are not able to translate with online translators, just ask. - The procedure Supervisor (unit Globals.pas) manages the turns and the phases of the games. The way the events manager of the Main window and the Supervisor pass each other the control of the application is a bit tricky :-) - TR is made of many units and the source code is not trivial- though I think is well structured and commented. - To understand how TR handles the maps, read the topic "Making custom maps -> Creating the bitmaps -> Colors". To make the application multi-plataform we might need to change this architecture. List of the units in the project -------------------------------- About.pas The About window Attack.pas The Attack window Cards.pas The Cards turn in window CheckUpd.pas Unit to check online updates Computer.pas Handles the turn of TRPs ExpSubr.pas Procedure and function used by the TRPs (API) Globals.pas Subroutines of general use History.pas The History window Human.pas Handles the turn of a human player Log.pas The Log window Main.pas The Main window Map.pas The Map choice window Move.pas The Troops Move window NewGame.pas The New Game window Players.pas The Player's property window Pref.pas The Preference window Programs.pas The TRP choice window Readme.pas The Readme window Rules.pas The Rules customization window Sim.pas *** part of the TRSim simulator SimCPULog.pas *** part of the TRSim simulator SimGameLog.pas *** part of the TRSim simulator, ignore this unit SimMap.pas *** part of the TRSim simulator, ignore this unit SimRun.pas *** part of the TRSim simulator, ignore this unit SplashScreen.pas The initial splash screen Stats.pas The Stats window Territ.pas Routines to handle territories TRPError.pas The TRP error reporting window UDialog.pas The dialog window invoked by the API function UDialog Planned/requested changes ------------------------- - I planned to move the code from Delphi to Lazarus/Free Pascal, because the second is free, open source and multi-platform (Win, OSX, Linux and more). Not yet approached, but shouldn't be too difficult. - I also planned to convert maps to vector graphics to make them scalable, thus more suitable for mobile devices. - Most requested feature is multi-player.