
Role installing and configuring phpldapadmin, a web interface for LDAP server management.

Role Variables

  • phpldapadmin_dn: DN of root of the tree managed by the LDAP server, e.g. dc=someproject,dc=fi. You must define this.
  • phpldapadmin_accounts_subtree: subtree entry where your user accounts reside. Default is "ou=people".
  • phpldapadmin_ldap_uri: URI of the LDAP server to manage, e.g. (and default) ldaps:// if the LDAP server is installed on localhost
  • phpldapadmin_ldap_port: port on which LDAP server listens, e.g. (and default) 636.
  • phpldapadmin_password_template: template entry for inetOrgPerson password. Keep it to default.
  • phpldapadmin_binder_dn: Account under which to bind to LDAP. Anonymous bind is not supported.
  • phpldapadmin_binder_password: password for binder account


It is beneficial to install a LDAP server from another Ansible role, best from


   - role: phpldapadmin
     phpldapadmin_dn: "dc=forgeservicelab,dc=fi"
     phpldapadmin_binder_dn: "cn=binder,ou=people,dc=forgeservicelab,dc=fi"
     phpldapadmin_binder_password: "{{ binder_password }}"