
Rename and update .devcontainer README

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Check if .devcontainer Readme is up to date and rename it to for rendering on the github webpage.

# Devcontainer
This folder contains all files needed for the development container:
1. devcontainer.json and Instructions for VS Code on how to create the dev container based on
the previously created image
2. .vscode: The VS Code settings folder. To be used in the devcontainer to create a out of the box working Intellisense
## Remote Host
If you want to use a devcontainer on a remote host add the following to the settings.json of your VS Code config in your
local workspace and replace the placeholder with your values:
"": "ssh://your-remote-user@your-remote-machine-fqdn-or-ip-here",
Also update the workspace mount to a volume in the [devcontainer.json](devcontainer.json) file:
"workspaceMount": "source=seerep-ws,target=/home/docker/workspace/src,type=volume",
Make sure that your SSH agent is running and knows about the keys needed to connect to the remote host. (Following
instructions copied from [here](
1. Adding keys to the SSH agent: `ssh-add $HOME/.ssh/github_rsa`
2. Starting the SSH Agent once: `eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"`
3. First, start the SSH Agent in the background by running the following in a terminal: `eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"`
4. Then add these lines to your `~/.bash_profile` or `~/.zprofile` (for Zsh) so it starts on login:
if [ -z "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" ]; then
# Check for a currently running instance of the agent
RUNNING_AGENT="`ps -ax | grep 'ssh-agent -s' | grep -v grep | wc -l | tr -d '[:space:]'`"
if [ "$RUNNING_AGENT" = "0" ]; then
# Launch a new instance of the agent
ssh-agent -s &> $HOME/.ssh/ssh-agent
eval `cat $HOME/.ssh/ssh-agent`
Some information regarding devcontainers:
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