Tourist Tips at Hack Manchester

We are a team of three second year Computer Science students from the University of Manchester and we decided to develop a small website for displaying the famous tourist locations in any city around the world.

The user types in the name of a city from the world and the website displays the top 10 tourist locations from that city. As an additional feature it displays the most optimized path to reach all of them. This helps the tourist in saving time , money and effort and plan his journey much better than just seeing the path to each and every place he wants to visit. The user can also select from categories which classify places(tourist locations) according to interest like food/drink , beaches , heritage sites and much more.

We developed the website by using Google APIs which are the most reliable on displaying maps and satellite data. The shortest distance was calculated by the application of the classic Travelling Salesman problem.

The site is made in nodejs and is cross compatible on all operating systems! During the hackathon we used three diferent operating systems to develop the website. Aqib used MAC OS (because he is a Apple fanboy). Neha used Windows (cause she hates Linux). And Alex used Linux.

To run the app on your server, install nodejs, download the source-code of the app, run "npm install" to install all the required packages and then run the app using "node app.js".

Most of the awesome code endeup being burried in views/search.jade :)

Team Members
Alex Grigoroi
Neha Agrawal
Aqib Aftab Syed