Hello, Vlad!

1. if you do not have GitHub account, create it before start

1.1. I will push you to create a new repository in GitHub (public)

1.2. I will push you to push all git changes to GitHub (every day)

1.3. if you have some problems using git, watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkdAHXoRtos

2. some instructions on how to learn:

2.1. Do not try to understand all details, just start using tools.

2.2. Do not waste time learning all things in detail- if the code works, go on to the next task

2.3. If something not working, create an issue in your GitHub project and I will come and help you.

2.4. do not learn Linux, docker, etc separately, learn them by creating your projects. If you have some problems with mentioned tools when you create your projects, only then google and figure it out.

2.5. If you really stopped on docker, find a light tutorial on the internet (youtube: search "docker for beginners") and learn basic things.

3. Install the required tools on your machine:

3.1. install composer globally on your machine (https://getcomposer.org/doc/00-intro.md)

3.2. install docker (https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/)

3.3. create a directory, for example, "projects", where all projects will be located on your machine

3.4. install git on your machine (https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git)

3.4.1. set username and email for your commits (https://support.atlassian.com/bitbucket-cloud/docs/configure-your-dvcs-username-for-commits/)

4. create a new laravel project:

4.1. create a directory in your project directory (mkdir my-new-project) and enter in dir (cd my-new-project)

4.2. set up laravel - https://laravel.com/docs/9.x/installation (composer create-project laravel/laravel .)

4.3. generate docker file: (php artisan sail:install): select MySQL in terminal dialog

4.4. get up docker container (./vendor/bin/sail up)

4.5. open your project in the browser localhost

5. git

5.1. init git in your project (git init)

5.2. create a new project in your GitHub account, follow instructions and push local git changes to GitHub (all instructions will be provided in GitHub on new repo creation process)

5.3. do not forget to commit code changes as often as possible ( use [git add .], [git commit -m "some info about commit"], [git push])

6. Deadlines

6.1. Deadlines will be estimated for each project

6.2. If deadline is missed, you should donate 30 EUR to the animal shelter!

7. When to start:

7.1. set up environment - now, deadline 14.01.2023

7.2. projects start/end dates will be specified in each project details

8. How I will help you.

8.1. all code will be written by you

8.2. you can call me every time during project

8.3. I am ready to join to video calls where you are able to share your screen and ask me quetsions about anything mentioned in this readme file. I will guide you how to avoid stopping in your projects and in your performance.

9. Learning duration:

9.1. I suppose to put you on rails on how to learn coding during the next 1-3 months.

10. Projects

10.1. your first task is to repeat this tutorial (except xamp/valet). Laravel tut: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYyJ4PuL4pY 4h length

- repeat all code by yourself
- copy html only when tutor says- copy code from his GitHub repo
- make commits and push them on GitHub every day (I will check)
- last date to start: 14.01.2023.
- you have 7 days to complete this task, deadline 21.01.2023

Learning source: https://bootcamp.laravel.com