Current Portfolio

By Andy Grossberg


A .Net portfolio with blog and user comments.


This is a personal portfolio site. I'll be building this same project for the next two Fridays.

The site must include:

  • A landing page featuring an image of yourself or an image that expresses your style.

  • A blog section featuring your posts. You are not required to write any posts for this project.

  • Users should be able to:

    • comment on specific blog posts I’ve made.
    • see all previous comments left on blog posts. (All comments should have body and author fields)
  • I should be able to log on/off as an administrator for my portfolio.

    • I can choose to either seed my database with an admin username and password, or include a registration page to register.
  • At the admin level I should be able to:

    • Create, Read, Update, and Delete blog entries.
      • (I will Use AJAX for the GET methods for this)
    • Create comments and view and remove comments anywhere on the site.
  • My site must include:

    • My work experience
    • My relevant skills
    • My education
    • How I got into coding
    • A personal story and interests
    • Contact information (link to GH, linkedin)
    • My Your personal and work projects


Phase One Objectives

  • Code continues to meet all of the standards from last week.

  • Application works as expected.

  • Application uses Identity properly. Requested login/logoff functionality is present.

  • Application uses AJAX successfully. Requested AJAX functionality is present and working.

  • Code is clear, easy to understand, and well-refactored.

  • Project is in a polished, portfolio-quality state.

  • Required functionality was present by Friday deadline.

  • Project demonstrate understanding of this week's concepts. If prompted, you can discuss your code with an instructor using correct terminology.

Phase Two Objectives TBD

  • (Build out projects section)

User Stories

There will ultimately be two levels of user for this site: Administrator and Reader. At the start however every user is an Admin.

All Users

  • Read Blog Posts

  • Comment on Blog Posts


  • Create, Read, Update and Delete posts and Comments

  • Maybe Remove or Block users


  • Blog Data Model is created. -- X

  • User Data Model is created. -- X

  • Comment Data Model is created. -- X

  • Site MVC Built.

    • Home Controller
    • Home View
    • Login/Register Controller
    • Login/ Register View
    • Blog Controller
    • Blog View
  • Landing page created (updated from Home View). -- X

  • Landing page features an image that expresses my style. -- X

  • Blog database migration -- X

  • Authentication via Nav bar -- X

  • LOGOUT USING AJAX <---------------------------------------------------------

  • Blog Entries can be created, retrieved, updated, and removed from the database.

  • Users can be create, retrieved, updated, and removed from the database.

  • Blog entries can have comments.

  • Style and personalize site.

  • Refactor code as needed.

Methodology and Comments

This week we studied Authentication and AJAX and so I'm using those class projects as inspiration for the back end of the app. The last two-week project had reviews and those are the same as comments so I will use something similar in structure.

Technologies Used

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • jQuery
  • C#
  • .NET (ASP) Core
  • mySQL

Dependencies and plugins

Dependencies TBD

Setup/Installation Requirements


Future expansion

There is room to separate the Admin from Users but not in the short term. In order to keep updating this site I will have to do so.

Known Bugs and Issues

There are no known bugs or issues at this time.

Support and contact details

@using (Html.BeginForm("LogOff", "Account")) { }

Contact the author at


Licensed for use under the GNU GPL. (c) 2018 Andy Grossberg