
Boilerplate for simple Typescript projects

Primary LanguageTypeScript

TS Base

This is a simple project which provides boilerplate for for a typescript project.

It includes:

  • My preferred Typescript configuration
  • Basic linting rules with eslint
  • Unit tests with Mocha and Chai
  • Code coverage via NYC
  • Some default NPM scripts
  • A state of the art Average class which can average all the numbers in an array!



git clone git@github.com:agroff/ts-base.git PROJECT_NAME

(Optionally) Update the remote repository:

git remote set-url origin git@github.com:you/project-name.git

Install Dependencies:

npm install


npm test


npm run start


I am always open to learning about better ways to do things! This is mostly a personal resource but if you think something could be done better or notice a mistake, feel free to PR and I'll merge if I agree :)