Finder of FAO-Codex
Current implementation is based in a prior Ariadne implementation. It's a front-end application implemented with HTML, CSS and Javascript.
The interface is implemented in three .html pages.
- index.html which is the landing page
- listing.html which is the listing page
- item.html which is the view item page
this is mainly a static page with a search box and links with canned queries that lead to listing page
this is the page that shows the results of the search. The javascript file that contains all the functionality for search is in /js/finder-js/finder.js (see also /docs/finder.html)
What is important in listing.html is the function customizeFinder
which (surprizzeeee) customizes the finder.
#####The options here are:
"selectedProviders": array with the providers we want to filter the results. i.e. ["aglrfaocdx", "oeeprints"]. if empty returns all the collections.
"externalSources": ["wp","scr","ss","gb"]
"pageContainers": ['bottom','top']
"facets": array with the facets we want to enable in our listing page. i.e. ["provider","language","lrt", "context", "iur"]
"limitFacetDisplay": Object with arrays of facets limitations. i.e {"language":["en","es"]}
"maxLengthDescription": int with the wanted length for description in snippets i.e 300
"pageSize": int with the number of results per page
"repositoryName": "Organic.Edunet" (find this in the file inside your Ariadne folder ex."repositoryName":"AriadneNext Repository")
"serviceUrl":"" (this is the url of the service we want to use)
this is the page that shows all the information for a specific resource. In head we call:
we split the url in order to get the resource 'id' and create a request url for akifRetriever as a paramater to the function. the getItemJSONP function is defined in /js/ariadne-json.js (see also /docs/ariadne-json.js ) and makes everything needed for rendering properly the results in the html.