
prep a nice raspberry pi based, smile-pi box

Primary LanguageShell

This set of scripts will prep a microSD card to be used with the SMILE-pi Project.

First create an Raspbian Stretch Lite image on a microSD card.

Place the microsd in the raspberry pi and boot it up.

On a rpi3, login in as 'pi' (the image should have a minimal amount of packages on it; no git, no wget, etc. However, curl is included on the image.) using the default login pi:raspberry .

After that is done, login as pi (the default non root user) and in the home directory run "bash ~/rpi3_install.sh". From there you will have the option to install various applications (smile, kiwix, kalite, the portal page). Be sure to include the basic_setup.sh file, it is required by all the other application scripts.


Once you create a good image, create a clone of that microSD card using dd on a mac or linux, or Apple Pi Baker on a Mac.

If you want to image multiple cards at a time, you can use a utility called dcfldd. The following example will image a .img file onto 10 microSD cards at once: dcfldd if=2017-06-21-raspbian-jessie-lite.img of=/dev/rdisk3 of=/dev/rdisk4 of=/dev/rdisk5 of=/dev/rdisk6 of=/dev/rdisk7 of=/dev/rdisk8 of=/dev/rdisk9 of=/dev/rdisk10 of=/dev/rdisk11 of=/dev/rdisk12 sizeprobe=if