
L.TileLayer.Mercator is used for shift tile layer from EPSG3395 to EPSG3857 - for Leaflet_1.2.

Primary LanguageHTML


L.TileLayer.Mercator is used for shift tile layer from EPSG3395 to EPSG3857 - for Leaflet_1.2.

Leaflet plugin to draw tile raster layers in Spherical Mercator projection on maps in Elliptical Mercator projection and vice versa.

The plugin defines class:

  • L.TileLayer.Mercator

Additional option tilesCRS defaults to L.CRS.EPSG3395.

These class work similar to corresponding native Leaflet classes, but with tiles in options.tilesCRS projection.

Mainly, this plugin should be used to show raster tiled layers on map with CRS L.CRS.EPSG3395 and vice versa, show tiles in CRS L.CRS.EPSG3395 on classical Spherical Mercator maps.


Basic Usage

    var rumap = L.tileLayer.Mercator('http://{s}.tile.cart.kosmosnimki.ru/m/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
        maxZoom: 19,
        maxNativeZoom: 17,
        attribution: 'RDC ScanEx'